
Tel: 21807781
Fax: 21807782

公司簡介 / Company info


本公司專業提供各種式樣 (水晶產品、獎盃、獎座、獎牌、銀碟、證書、盾牌、人名牌、徽章、錦旗、旗幟、紀念旗、校旗、公司旗、萬國旗、工藝品、紀念品及商業禮品) 產品樣式齊全、應有盡有,無論在水陸運會、校慶典禮、週年紀念、開幕典禮、送禮、表揚等場合都能點綴生輝。本公司更自設工場,專業團隊為客戶提供設計和特快起貨服務,憑藉多年豐富的客戶服務經驗,深得各學校、公司、團體和政府部門推崇,保證為您提供完整的設計規劃,一次滿足客戶全部的需求,達至專業專注、用心服務的原則。歡迎各界人仕蒞臨洽詢。


Hong Kong Award & Gifts Design Company provides professional service on production of medals, crystals, trophies, sovereign, badges, flags and souvenir etc. to polish every events and functions. We developed our workshop and have professional team to tailor-made and provide express service to customers.

With years experience, we served as the best partner of many companies, schools, organizations and government departments. We pledge to provide efficient, high quality and careful service. You are welcome to contact us by phone, email and fax for any enquiries.






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